Helpful Tips for a Comicon First-Timer

It's that time of year again--the San Diego Comicon (SDCC)! The "Woodstock for nerds," it's the event fans anxiously await every summer.
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It's that time of year again--the San Diego Comicon (SDCC)! The "Woodstock for nerds," it's the event fans anxiously await every summer. The convention center will be filled with over a hundred thousand fans, vendors, and artists to celebrate comics, sci-fi, video games, animation, toys, Cosplay, and all things geek! It is the biggest and best convention of the year, and because of its status, it can be both overwhelming and intimidating for the first-timer. As a Comicon veteran, I would like to share some advice that can help ensure a great experience at this year's Con.

1. Expect to wait in a lot of lines! Almost everything to do at Comicon involves waiting in a line, and the bigger the event--yup, you guessed it--the bigger the line. Whether it's that cool Star Wars panel you want to attend or that limited-edition, Comicon-exclusive toy that you want to purchase, it will involve standing in line. My advice is to make friends while you wait. The long lines are a great excuse to have awesome conversations with people who share the same interests as you. Who knows, you may even make some lifelong connections! And it's just one of those things that comes along with the territory. Why not make the most of it? Besides, the lines go by a lot faster when shared with great company.

2. Have a game plan with panels! SDCC is filled with so many options of amazing panels. Check the schedule and make a game plan (and remember to plan time to stand in all those lines!). A lot of the big panels will reach capacity quickly. The biggest panels and stars will be in Hall H, but that is the most difficult room to get into. Have a back-up plan to check out smaller--but still fantastic--panels. Who knows, you might just discover some hidden gem. And you can always check out the panel I will be speaking on to celebrate Disney legend Floyd Norman and his new documentary from Michael Fiore Films on Thursday night. I know, I know...that was a shameless plug!


3. Make sure you schedule some time to visit Artists' Alley! Like its name implies, this is the place where the magic is! Not only will the major film studios be there with their massive booths to promote new blockbusters--the props, creatures, sets, and costumes alone are super impressive and totally worth seeing--but too often people forget it's a comic book convention, which means one important thing: There are so many of the world's best illustrators and one place! That alone is enough to make the nerds and geeks go wild! Artists' Alley is where you can see their work, buy some art, and talk with first-rate artists!

4. Be polite to Cosplayers! If there's one thing Cosplayers hate more than anything, it's when people run up to them and take pictures...WITHOUT ASKING. Cosplayers are usually super proud of their costumes--not to mention all the time and effort it took for them to pull those costumes off--and they are happy to pose for pictures, but come on, we're all civilized here. Proper etiquette dictates simply asking politely...FIRST. I've never seen a Cosplayer turn down a picture request. After all, Cosplayers are displaying their talent and creativity through their costumes and props--and some of them will blow you away! Ask nicely for a picture, and they will respond in kind.


5. Watch out for the Nerd Flu! Yes, Nerd Flu is a real epidemic, and trust me, it is tragic if caught! I was an unsuspecting victim a few years back, and I caught it on the first day of the Con. Let me tell you, it is no fun to be sick for the whole convention, and like the stench of the unfortunately unhygienic, the effects of the Nerd Flu linger! While at the Con, you will be shaking a lot of hands, you may even hug people. Bottom line--there will be a lot of keeping company in very close quarters. So, be prepared! I recommend bringing some Purell--after all, you're not going to want to step out of those long lines to wash your hands frequently!

6. Expect the unexpected! The best thing about the Con is that anything can happen at any moment. The entire entertainment industry will be in a small area of San Diego at the same time. They will have all kinds of unique attractions and displays both inside and outside of the convention center. Last year, they had a huge Homer Simpson head you could walk inside of to see how his brain worked, and a few years before that, they displayed ALL the Batmobiles! (Did I mention SDCC is nerd heaven?!) There are parties galore to choose from, many that will require your RSVP, and the occasional celebrity has been known to make a special appearance, like that year when Robert Downey Jr. suddenly appeared to judge a children's Iron Man costume contest! The Con has been known to put on surprise concerts the likes of little bands like Weezer and Metallica. You just never know what you are going to experience there!


7. Enjoy the night life! Trust me, nerds and geeks know how to party, too. So if grabbing some cocktails and mingling is your thing, then you will have plenty of opportunities to do so. The Gaslamp District bars will be filled with your fellow nerds hanging out and having a good time. And anyway, it's always fun to see your favorite super heroes knocking back a couple of cold ones. Photo-op, anyone? Just remember tip #4!

8. Bring food, especially if you have any dietary restrictions! Once you are in the convention center, you will have limited food options. The last thing you want during a hectic day is to spend an outrageous amount of money for some crummy microwave pizza (and anyway, you want to use that money for art or cool nerdy things!). To eat offsite is a hassle; it takes a lot of time and effort to maneuver through the enormous crowds to leave and come back. Stock up on energy bars, snacks, and bottled water to get you through the day!


9. Cash is still king at SDCC! Although a lot of vendors take credit cards, a lot of them don't. So if you want to ensure a good day of shopping--and that you don't miss out on that one thing you absolutely have to have--bring plenty of cash. ATMs at the convention center are scarce and with a hundred thousand people, they are sure to run out of money.

10. Sunday sales! Sure, Sunday is a shorter day and it doesn't have the "big" panels, but that doesn't mean it is a "weaker" day. In all actuality, Sunday is the best day for bargain shopping! Most vendors want to make some last-minute money before they close up and haul out all their merchandise. So, if you want to get quality merchandise at bargain-basement prices, then Sunday is your day. Vendors start slashing their prices significantly that afternoon.

SDCC is a one-of-a-kind experience. You will meet amazing people and see things beyond your wildest imaginings! It's a geek's paradise, so why not enjoy it to its fullest? Use these tips to eliminate potential hassles, so you can get down to business and do exactly what you came for: to forget your day-to-day life and have a great Con!

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