Trump as president does not mean the end of a battle. It's the beginning of a war.
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Stop violence against women. Hand saying stop
Stop violence against women. Hand saying stop

Trump is our president. I know how you're feeling. So does she. We were so close to breaking the ceiling, to changing the world. We had a strong, educated, qualified woman to rally behind. Some of you did not like her. I don't blame you, but this was, first and foremost, about maintaining our primal rights as women. This was our shot and we failed. We failed to stand behind her. We failed to push through the glass doors as the African American population showed us it could be done in 2008 and 2012. We did not come through for our gender and for the women that fought so hard for equality before us. The threat of a sexist, backward man deciding what we do with our bodies and our rights stood before us and we decided that the threat was not real. Why?

This was, first and foremost, about maintaining our primal rights as women.

Trump is our president. I worry this is due to the fact that we believe that the world should still take care of us, that we believe we are helpless. That we should just stay home. This is not an argument about whether a woman's place is in the home or in the office. That battle was already won. We can do both. We can do whatever we want. For some reason, we still believe that a man can take office and will know what it's like to bare the burden and beauty of being a woman. No one is going to take our side. We must be our own champions and stop sitting on the sidelines. This should be our first concern. Our freedoms are precious and unique. Why aren't WE ready for a woman president? Why do WE not advocate for ourselves?

Trump is our president. And here's the upside. Now, more than ever, we will show what we are made of, a fierce population of empowered citizens. If we can stand up to a man and an administration that believes women are second-class citizens, that defines us by the size of our breasts and the shape of our asses, then we truly can be anything. Trump as president does not mean the end of a battle. It's the beginning of a war. We have an opportunity and an obligation to prove that we are equal, that our bodies are our own. We have spent decades up against men in every industry. We have risen to be CEOs, financial geniuses, entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley rulers. This is just our next fight.

Trump as president does not mean the end of a battle. It's the beginning of a war.

Trump is our president. I hope he surprises us. I hope he protects the sacred stories of Roe v. Wade and Women's Suffrage. I hope he is not the monster he made himself out to be during the campaign as he pandered to the lowest common denominator and played into our country's fear and anger of a broken system. But, most of all, I hope he is prepared. I hope he is prepared for what it means to win an election against a woman like Secretary Clinton. A fire is spreading through us. Don't wait for the men in your life to pull through for you. He may be supportive, loving and understanding, as he should be, but he does not carry the weight we hold. This is your moment.

Trump is our president. The fight begins today.

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