Hillary and Me -- Pimps Forever ?!

Hillary and Me -- Pimps Forever ?!
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I need to stand up and take Senator Hillary Clinton's side on this one.

There is no excuse for a network on-air personality to say Chelsea Clinton was "sort of being pimped out" by the Clinton campaign. And Barbara Walters is rather deluded if she thinks this issue really should be dropped by the Senator.

I've heard from numerous sources Chelsea Clinton is a fantastic and energizing public speaker and (gasp) fully supporting her mother (no way?) during this election. Let's just go ahead and assume a daughter can and would want to support her mother if she ran for office.

Now that Chelsea has stepped a bit further into the limelight on her own, it stands to reason the media will discuss her role, her events, her candor, her demeanor. We are no longer in the situation of the 90's where Chelsea was the daughter of a president, in the limelight due to her parent's choices.

Reporter David Shuster has apologized for the "pimp" comment. Keith Olbermann has apologized. The head of NBC has apologized. Then Senator Clinton sent a letter, reiterating how inappropriate the comment really was, and Barbara Walters thinks she's gone too far.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. You come after my daughter...my kids-make some stupid remark or say something inappropriate-do you think *I* would let up?


Hell no.

I want heads. And I want them to roll.

In fact, I want them rolling and then wrapped in a bow and then served on a golden platter while you kneel at my feet.

I think the Mom and Daughter get to decide when to drop it, not Barbara Walters.

I'd have to argue against the idea this is a campaign ploy to keep Hillary's name in the news. I mean, really. It's all we're hearing about, so that's not a problem. I don't think it's some ploy by the campaign for Clinton to play victim and have us all feeling sorry for them. I really think this is a matter of being tired of the bullshit.

How much Chris Matthews and David Shuster can you take before you finally write the head of NBC and say WTF??!!! Enough already you assholes.

Notice Senator Clinton didn't make such a bru-ha-ha about all this when they were just going after her. Cross the line to the kids, regardless of their age or voluntary or involuntary involvement...

..and the gloves are off.

I got your back Senator Clinton. Let them brand us pimps and accuse us of exploiting our kids. We know better. And we're certainly changing the world, aren't we?

Contributor Erin Kotecki Vest continuously exploits her children on her MommyBlog QueenofSpain

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