One VP Candidate Sticks Around To Answer Questions

One VP Candidate Sticks Around To Answer Questions
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Greensburg, PA: Speaking to a packed house in the Greensburg Salem High School gym Thursday, Democratic VP nominee Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) criticized the Bush Administration on its handling of U.S. military involvement in Iraq, shouting, "we will end this war."

Introduced by NFL Hall of Famer and Pittsburgh Steelers owner Dan Rooney, and Norma Margonari, a local activist who comes from a large family of coal miners, Biden opened his remarks by thanking Pittsburgh for pitching in to help his family. He choked up and somberly spoke about how after his wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident, Rocky Bleier, one of the Steelers, came to his sons' hospital room to give them footballs to cheer them up, at the request of Dan Rooney's dad.

Biden calmed fears when he said the Obama-Biden team would guarantee to keep Social Security intact. He answered questions on health care benefits and fixing the economy - but his most crowd-rousing comments were given about the Iraq War.

His statement, "Imagine a country where we only go to war when it is absolutely necessary" brought a big round of applause.

Biden continued, "and when we do..... we go with the support of the rest of the world."
More big applause. And then, " Ladies and gentlemen, we will end this war." Standing ovation.

Senator Biden's got a personal interest in six-year long war, since his family learned their oldest son, Beau, currently Delaware's Attorney General, and a captain in the National Guard, will be deployed to Iraq next month. But he's been blasting the Bush Administration for several years for their lack of commitment to benefits for vets returning home, including making it extremely hard to be considered "eligible" for education and health benefits once their tours of duty are over.

Last year, the senator's bill to provide funding for MRAPs, mine resistant ambush protected vehicles, paved the way for construction and distribution of these V-shaped hull tanks, directly leading to a dramatic drop in the deaths of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who were hit by roadside bombs. The bill was passed by a vote of 75-24. The one remaining vote was Sen. Hillary Clinton, who was absent in the Senate that day.

Pittsburgh has a higher than average number of residents in the U.S. military. Speaking to the veterans and their families in the crowd, Biden continued, "The only people sacrificing right now are those who have children or husbands or wives who are serving, and the families that are left behind. And we don't mention it often enough, but we have thousands of people who have died. We have over 30,000 who have been wounded."

He continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, we owe them. We owe them more than we can ever repay them."

The senator stayed to answer questions (unlike his counterpart, Gov. Sarah Palin, so far...) and left to a standing ovation.

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