Francesca Fiorentini offered an irreverent take on Stormy Daniels to prompt the host's remark.
The late night host found a moment that caused the former president to pause awkwardly.
Allen passed away "suddenly" while on vacation with his family, his former team shared.
The Right to IVF Act is a package of four bills from Sens. Tammy Duckworth (Ill.), Patty Murray (Wash.) and Cory Booker (N.J.).
The Biden administration enacted a major increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, though it's received little attention.
The former House speaker uses some of his strongest words yet against his GOP arch-rival.
A judge slammed Corey Harris for operating his car during a remote hearing, but Harris could have had his license reinstated in 2022, if not for a clerical error.
"I did want you to know most Americans don't think she represents Congress," Jared Moskowitz told Fauci during a House subcommittee hearing.
The April 2022 ruling included an unusual legal theory — and new disclosures seen by HuffPost shed some light.
The Super Bowl champ tried to be a good sport as Sudeikis and other comedians made cracks about his girlfriend during a live charity event.
"My intentions when saying it were complimentary just like the entire segment," the ESPN host said. "But, a lot of folks are saying that it certainly wasn’t at all."
"It is inconceivable that anyone who reads this email could conclude that I was trying to cover up the possibility of a laboratory leak," Dr. Anthony Fauci said.

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