Concerned Interview: Ethan Ward of Gangcharger

What happens when someone who has no idea how to play guitar starts a band after seeing some Bright Channel and Tarmints shows.
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Ethan Ward is lead singer of Denver band Gangcharger as well as newest member of Donnybrook favorite Blue Million Miles. Gangcharger (along with Overcasters) are quickly filling in the void that was made when great Denver bands like Bright Channel and Tarmints broke-up. The Donnybrook Writing Academy is presenting a Holiday Mixer at the Weather Center (the Overcasters very own warehouse venue) on December 19 featuring Overcasters, Gangcharger (who will also be releasing an EP) and our very own DJ Guido Sarducci IV (father of the Snobcast). The party costs nothing but what you can afford to donate. Weather Center is located at 1401 Zuni St.

You live a crazy rock and roll lifestyle. Where is the strangest place you've:



Played music?

Ruby Room in Portland. Don't go there. You will either get stabbed or find yourself so disgusted with the place you end up wanting to stab somebody.

Gotten wasted?

Random camp ground in Ogden, Utah. Was woken up in the middle of the night by some lunatic rifling through my stuff looking for Rolaids.

Had a quickie?

My parents are reading this, pervs. There is already enough sleazy gossip about my sex life elsewhere on this blog.


At a Penn State frat house.

Crashed a car?

Put one about 30 feet into the woods one night in Sparta, New Jersey.

Been electrocuted?

In the mouth! You can Google it.

You play this really loud music, so loud that we always have to have our servants cover our ears for us at shows. Why is your music so loud and squelchy and all guitary?

That's what happens when someone who has no idea how to play guitar starts a band after seeing some Bright Channel and Tarmints shows.

The last time we partied with you, we all ended up passionately and belligerently talking about how amazing Biggie Smalls was at 5 in the morning. How has the Notorious B.I.G. influenced your life or your music?

"Kick in the door / wavin' the four four..."

When you toured with the band Blue Million Miles (who you also play with), they discovered you have a strange sleeping habit. Care to elaborate what that is?

That could be any one of numerous things. I was a sleeping machine on that tour. I think I may have some kind of controlled narcolepsy (among other disorders). When I want to I can pretty much go to sleep within minutes, any time, anywhere, no matter what's going on around me. I think this was pretty amusing to those guys. I probably divided that tour about 60-40 between sleeping or partying my balls off.

Speaking of which, you wrote some tour diaries that we would like to see. Can you give us a teaser right now?

Crap, I'm gonna be in trouble when those guys read this -- I cannot find that notebook anywhere. I've looked all over the place for it and it is gone. This is unfortunate because there's some fairly incriminating shit in there. If anyone knows where it's at (especially the section about the girls in LA) I am open to negotiations, I'm sure we can work something out.

After what situation could you think to yourself, "Okay, self. I can now die happy."?

I'm so far from any situation like that, I couldn't really say. Maybe after I've accomplished one fifth of all the shit I'm trying to do I could start thinking about it.

Most importantly, if we come to your CD release party, what will you do for us?

I will let you steal some thunder and tack "Donnybrook Holiday Mixer" onto "gangcharger CD release party." I will also have my friends, The Overcasters, blast loudness at your heads so hard that your servants' hands will rattle off, leaving your tender little ears exposed to the mayhem.

So there you go! Head blasting music mayhem for the holidays! A cheap show so you can save some money for gifts! A chance to see where the magic happens in the Overcasters HQ! Santa will be there! Our most attractive servants will be strategically placed under mistletoe for your pleasure! The Timmy T Machine will be bartending! Can you say "Best. Holiday Party. Ever."?

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