More on Murtha

Murtha was NEVER indicted, let alone found guilty of any wrong doing. The FBI tried to bribe him and the attempt failed.
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"Not interested." -- Jack Murtha's recorded response to an offer of 50,000 dollars.

Ok, so I have gotten a ton of e-mail, many supportive and many upset over my decision to support Jack despite the perception of ethical issues.

So let's get a few things out here so we are not slandering folks.

First, let me say there is no elected official who I think is as pure as the white driven snow and I think they should be held to a very high standard since we pay them for goodness sakes!

I have not agreed with Murtha on everything, in fact, his remarks on Haditha sent me through the roof and I was livid and very disgusted and I said as much privately and publicly. I will go back and review all of the particulars on ABSCAM, as I must admit it has been awhile, but here is what I do know.

1. Murtha was NEVER indicted, let alone found guilty of any wrong doing. The FBI tried to bribe him and the attempt failed. (see above quote)

2. Something vetted and that happened 26 years ago should not be enough to tarnish a man who proudly served his county for 37 years.

3. He was investigated and vindicated by the Dept of Justice. Investigators found no evidence for an indictment. He's an innocent man.

So we have to be careful with taking others talking points too easily.

He also fully supports Nancy Pelosi's ethics reforms and will work side by side with her to implement them.

I don't expect folks to think just like me, but let's be fair. I explained why I am supporting him and I would love if you guys did too, but I respect your decision, but I want to be clear that he is an amazing American and despite the swift boat like attacks, an innocent man.

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