Will the Tea Party/Koch/Brothers/GOP Defend Us From Ebola or Do We Need Government Involved in Healthcare After All?

Will the Tea Party/Koch/Brothers/GOP defend us from Ebola or do we need government involved in healthcare after all?
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Will the Tea Party/Koch/Brothers/GOP defend us from Ebola or do we need government involved in healthcare after all?

I mean it would be in we-hate-government-Texas that authorities couldn't even figure out how to clean up the contaminated bed-sheets of a man with Ebola-- wouldn't it?

Did Rick Perry see this coming when, the Texas Gov. lit up the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in March of 2014, with an impassioned anti-Democratic Party speech.

"Washington [must] focus on the few things the Constitution establishes as the federal government's role... defense, a cogent foreign policy. And what the heck, deliver the mail. Preferably on time and on Saturdays... The government should get out of the health care business," Perry said.

Right. So now Texas has armed guards outside the homes of family and friends of the Ebola victim. Health care after the fact by gun. How Texan, how GOP, how NRA.

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