7 Things Most Moms Can't Live Without

Being a mom is hands down the hardest job in the entire world, but there is no other job as rewarding. There are days where I wonder how I survive, but one look at my son reminds me.
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Being a mom is hands down the hardest job in the entire world, but there is no other job as rewarding. There are days where I wonder how I survive, but one look at my son reminds me. I wouldn't be able to make it without the essentials, and I think most moms would be able to vouch for that. There are many things I feel like I couldn't live without, but there are a few things that I KNOW I couldn't live without.

Yoga Pants

If you don't think yoga pants count as real pants, you can get out now. There's no room for that kind of negativity here. They act as pants, but feel like there's nothing there. What more could anyone ask for? When I get home from work I can't wait to rip off my uncomfortable jeans and put on my favorite yoga pants. Am I about to work out, or did I just wake up? No one will ever know. I think all moms can agree on the importance of yoga pants.


The best part of my day is when I grind my coffee beans and get my Ninja brewing. It's not safe to even look in my direction before I have had my coffee. There is nothing better than making the perfect cup of coffee and enjoying it before getting down to business. Let's be real, though, we all know that we will end up having to re-heat it a few times before it's finished because, kids.


As a child I hated nap time, as a mother I live for it. Ok, spending time with my little guy can be the greatest thing ever sometimes, and other times I feel like I am in World War 3. Toddlers are like little mini-dictators, and nap time is comparable to a "Reset" button. I know that after a good snooze, my son will wake up smiley, refreshed, and sweet as ever.

Mama Friends

If my best friends didn't have kids too, I would be lost. All this mama needs for therapy is a nice long venting session with someone who totally gets it. If you are lucky enough to live in the same town as your fellow mama friends, even better. Letting your little rascals run around together while catching up and sharing your little one's latest antics is all the soul needs sometimes.

Being a mom is hands down the hardest job in the entire world, but there is no other job as rewarding. There are days where I wonder how I survive, but one look at my son reminds me.

Dry Shampoo

Before I had kids, I took a shower every single day, without fail. Now, I'm lucky if I can muster up enough time to hop in the shower child-free. For days when it just isn't happening, dry shampoo is my best friend. I would like to personally thank whoever invented the stuff, because I don't know how I would survive without it.

Our Shows

After watching Mickey Mouse and Floogals every day, when bed time rolls around I am so relieved to turn off the cartoons. It doesn't matter if my son is in a different room completely, he almost always insists on having the TV on in the background. I know all moms can relate -- we probably know more about our kids' favorite shows than they do. I can't even lie, I usually sing along to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse intro too. No shame.

Bedtime Snuggles

As much as we love to rant and scream about how our kids terrorize us, we still love them to pieces. Raising mini humans is exhausting, but it's also amazing. The rare times that my son lets me cuddle with him make up for every single tantrum he has thrown. When they get their sleepy smiles and snuggle in close, the problems of the world fade away.

It might be a crazy roller coaster with kids around, but it's a fun ride. The ups and downs will always keep us on our toes, but as long as us moms have our necessities, we'll be ok.


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