Sharing Recognition in a Selfie Era: #teamnocancer

#teamnocancer is one digital marketing strategist's entry for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's local Man/Woman of the Year fundraising competition.
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We live in a time of selfies, but some individuals cut against the grain, particularly those compelled to act on behalf of nonprofits and causes. Even those entities have their own ways of providing social recognition, lauding super donors and volunteers. That's why the #teamnocancer effort turned my head.

#teamnocancer is one digital marketing strategist's entry for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's local Man/Woman of the Year fundraising competition.


Rather than put himself forward as the social icon fronting #teamnocancer, Edelman VP Mike Schaffer built an open platform maximizing the benefits of crowdfunding and social media support. Literally, an unlimited number of people can participate and help become part of the Man/Woman of the Year fundraising effort.

Of course, if successful this may force the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to change the name of its award to Team of the Year.

Full disclosure, I donated, but don't expect any recognition. Nor will I enjoy any of the perks offered.

I just liked the idea of social media community working together to achieve something that perhaps an individual alone could not. While donating can be a very selfish act that makes us feel better, social good benefits us all. Collective action like this does more than just fund a cause; it helps the community members involved form a stronger bond.

What do you think of this approach to social good?


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