Palin Lies on Leno

Palin has made a career out of playing the victim, and she went into the act once again with Leno, lying about how her recentimbroglio didn't lead to an opportunity for her to address the issue.
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Sarah Palin's penchant for duplicity followed her to Hollywood and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, on which she predictably praised the Tea Party Movement and heralded "the fairness, the balance" at Fox News. She even did a stilted turn as a stand-up comic--dishing out sophomoric digs at Congress and the White House while joking about eating moose. Hardy har.

Palin's appearance boosted Leno's ratings and drew lots of ink from the very mainstream media that she so despises--though neither her host nor the dreaded MSM called her on a bold-faced lie she uttered in the middle of her cozy tete-a-tete with the newly recycled Leno.

Apparently, John McCain's former running mate just can't seem to help herself when it comes to doling out deceit.


Palin, of course, has made a career out of playing the victim, and she went into the act once again with Leno, whining about how her recent Family Guy imbroglio didn't provide "an opportunity" for her "to follow up and kind of elaborate" on the issue.

Say what? She's got a special slot as a "contributor" on Fox News, where the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and her new tag-team partner Glenn Beck lob softballs to her while she's standing in the snow in Wasilla. No opportunity, Ms. Palin? Really?

But the real lie came with her explanation of how the controversy got started. She claimed it began by...

a special-needs family asking me what I thought about the episode. I commented and then that gets out there in the blogosphere, it gets out there in the different forms of the mediums [sic] that we have today. And then it's left there--not an opportunity for me to follow up and kind of elaborate on what I really meant and what I really thought of the thing.

She commented? It gets out there in the blogosphere? As if Palin played no role? While she may indeed have been asked "to comment," Palin posted the Family Guy complaint on her Facebook page. She also posted a response from her daughter Bristol (who she wants the media "to leave alone.") She then gave a very angry interview about it to Fox News. She's the one who made it an issue. She's the one who sent it "out there in the blogosphere." And she has had every opportunity to follow up and elaborate--on her Facebook page, on Faux News, on Leno. And she never did. Not because she didn't have the opportunity. But because she chose not to.

It's yet another Palin lie.

Moreover, Dave Itzkoff of the New York Times pointed out that the paper "had previously sought comment from Ms. Palin about the Family Guy episode...but neither her press representative nor her political action committee replied to requests." No opportunity? Who does she think she's fooling?

It's kind of like the "Bridge to Nowhere" which she didn't oppose...then did oppose. She didn't have the opportunity....but then she had the opportunity. And she didn't take it--"to follow up and kind of elaborate"--whatever "kind of elaborate" means.


Award-winning writer and filmmaker Geoffrey Dunn's book The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power will be released by St. Martin's Press in 2010.

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