This Sunday In Washington

If the rest of the America is anything like Rock Creek Park on Sunday -- then this is a country suddenly filled with hope.
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Yes, it would be excessive to credit Barack Obama for the most beautiful November Sunday in Washington D.C. in many years. The sun is shining and golden Maple leaves are fluttering to the ground. People in Rock Creek Park are in shirtsleeves, many wearing shorts.

You would never imagine that the people you pass walking their dogs and pushing perambulators have seen their 401Ks plummet in recent weeks. People are smiling, saying hello to strangers. Even the Labradors, Poodles and Springer Spaniels seem to have extra spring in their steps, as if they are aware that dogs too have a role in the Obama transition.

One overhears snatches of conversation: "Rahm is the right guy." "Damn right we'll see change." "Is it true they have a two dog strategy." People seem to be plugged in and interconnected again.

If the rest of the America is anything like Rock Creek Park on this Sunday - then this is a country suddenly filled with hope.

I have seen this before. Two generations ago when John Kennedy's election sparked the country -- and his plans for a New Frontier and a Peace Corps inspired in young and old a desire to serve. But this is different. It is in a strange way more emotional. Many shed tears of joy on election night in 1960, but this week eyes continue to well up as the days pass and the profound nature of what we the people have done registers in new ways.

This Sunday is different than JFK's election Sunday because our country has been through so much. We were devastated by the murder of our young president, then again by the loss of Martin and Bobby. We were divided by Vietnam, shamed by Watergate, devastated again by 9-11, and then numbed by the recent years of war, division and cynicism.

Through these years we harbored the hope that one day we would believe again and have reason to hope again. This week the American people gave us Barack Obama and brought forth this beautiful Sunday afternoon in our nation's capitol.

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