The job description of Bill Clinton is urgently requested

It is hard to imagine that a man of the stature of our former and successful President will live at the White House reading books, meeting friends and watching television. It would be a waste of a talented man who can continue to be helpful to the country.
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I can hear the feminists saying that I am asking for the job description of Bill Clinton as another sign of more requirement from Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton because she is a woman. In fact, it is not because of her. It is because of him. In my December 2014 post about "Bill Clinton the Elephant in the room" I expressed some concerns that are becoming a serious campaign issue.
The Clinton Foundation must become transparent
In 2014, i was asking the following question: Is Bill Clinton prepared to become transparent and disclose what is foundation does, for whom and how?. Since I asked the question, they have disclosed (as Clinton Inc. typically does) some elements and never told us the part of the revenues of the Foundation comes from rogue states trying not to be in trouble with...The Secretary of State!
Is it compatible for Bill Clinton, as the partner of the President of the United States, to continue to run, directly or through Chelsea & Co, a Foundation that has established itself as a powerful lobbyist?
No First Lady has ever been President
The fact that Bill Clinton has been President is a factor that needs to be considered. It is not simply the optics of seeing him again at the White House in musical chairs. It is also in the mind of those of us who saw him there as a President.
Yes, we need to adjust our vision, but it is more than just about us. It is also the relationship that Bill Clinton established during eight years as President with the American people. Will he be able not to be President? He is not a weak personality, neither is she.
It is quite a unique situation that needs to be put into the equation.
How will Bill Clinton spend his time?
It is hard to imagine that a man of the stature of our former and successful President will live at the White House reading books, meeting friends and watching television. It would be a waste of a talented man who can continue to be helpful to the country.
The fields in which he could usefully operate must be defined. Since the President of the United States is operating nationwide, it might not be easy. It is, however, essential to ensure that even the appearance of a conflict of interest be eliminated.
As a lawyer, could he become Supreme Court Justice? As an international expert could he be helpful to UNESCO or run the World Bank? As a former President, could he have some representation duties? Could he become the Chairman of the Red Cross? Could he become President of the Brookings Institution?
There is no model to copy
When Bill Clinton was President, he asked First Lady Hillary Clinton to embark in a major health care reform that unfortunately failed: was it because it was ill-conceived or because she was the First lady? We will probably never really know: a cue might be why Robin Wright (the First Lady of House of Cards) failed as Secretary of State.
They have to apply their mind to this question. It is certainly not an impossible task, but it is so contrary to their DNA: they do not like limits, they do not like having to define themselves, and they like secrecy.
Many First ladies have been hugely helpful, not only to the President, but to the Nation. Let's have a look at their history and try to come with as close as possible to a job description that will convince those who do not trust Clinton Inc, but do not believe that there is a better candidate than Hillary Clinton, that they are not signing a black cheque to the couple.
There is a solution, if the political will is there
By just looking at the options, there seems to be ways to address that question. We want to elect Hillary Clinton. We want Bill Clinton to continue to be her trusted advisor as most First Ladies have been. He can be turned into an advantage to her campaign, not just by attending her meetings.
The circumstances surrounding the end of his mandate remain present and the mystery of the couple is a question. They obviously found a way to sort it out and the Republican attacks on the past problems fell flat. Couple's therapy is not part of the political mandate.
It is a major test to the willingness of Hillary Clinton to be open and transparent. She is trying hard, but it goes against her basic instincts. It would, however, for many of us, represent a major demonstration that Hillary Clinton's White House will be run with a transparent governance.

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