Where Are the Afghans?
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Where are the Afghans?Gordon Adams8 July 2009

"What I need is more Afghans," Says General Nicolson.

"We can't read these people; we're different," Said Captain Huysmans."They're not going to tell us the truth. We'll never get to build and transition"Unless we have the Afghans."

Where are the Afghans?

They don't trust us.They won't tell us the truth?Quelle surprise!

We have bombed their mosques,Killed their childrenBlown up their weddings,Leveled their villages,Destroyed their roadsEradicated their livelihoods

Aroused the Taliban extremistsAndFailed to find Osama.

Brought them democracyJustice, courts of law,Legislatures, Provincial Reconstruction TeamsCorruption, andWe "cause the price of everything to increase."

Our civilizationAs we know it.

And yet, They will not come.And they will not tell us the truth.

"To be honest,"Says Lt. Wallgren,"They didn't want us here."

But the RussiansWill let us move men and equipmentThrough their country.

For $60 million,The Kyrgyz will let us Use their bases to send our suppliesInto Afghanistan.

Maybe they know somethingWe don't know.

References: Richard A. Oppel, Jr., "Allied Officers Concerned by Lack of Afghan Forces, New York Times, July 8, 2009. Anand Gopal, "In Afghanistan Surge, Soldiers Negotiate Complex Web Of Local Loyalties," Christian Science Monitor, July 7, 2009. Same "President Signs U.S. Base Deal, Washington Times, July 8, 2009

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