Age Is Not Just a Number

We all have different life styles. It matters not. The journey is the same. It is called growth of self. Lessons learned. Accomplishments achieved. It is a gift that took all of us years to develop. Now, revel daily in the power that is you.
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By: Honey Good

I was recently at a charity luncheon. There were hundreds of women in the room; most over 55. The speaker's delivery did not capture my attention so it was natural that my mind began to wander as my eyes took in the room. I asked myself a question, "What would the women in this room write down if I gave them a pen and paper and ten minutes to jot down their feelings about themselves on this topic: "How do you feel about yourself at your age?"

My own question made me ponder my life. When I arrived home I went right to my laptop to type out my thoughts. I deliberated. I daydreamed of days past. I stared into space contemplating and musing. And then...

My fingers hit the keys of my beloved Apple keyboard and I wrote the answer to my own question. After finishing I decided that I would put this note in my memory drawer with an attached message to my daughters.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... (that dates me, darlings!)

I read my note to my husband, Shelly. I share "everything" with him! Second marriages, darlings!

His response was this: "I think you should share this with women of your age and younger. It is really positive and productive. I love what you wrote and it will awaken other woman's thoughts about themselves in a positive way."

"But it is private," I lamented.

"It should be shared," he continued. "Women of your age should be proud of themselves. Maybe they haven't taken the time to acknowledge their accomplishments. Think of yourself as opening a door for them."

I thought and thought, and decided to go with his suggestion.

Here is my note:

"I am a woman of substance. I feel it with pride. I am comfortable with who I am. I feel uplifted. I wasn't that woman in my twenties, thirties or forties because I had to search and attain knowledge through my experiences to become the woman I am today. I had to climb my mountain; pull myself up through rough terrain. I had to make challenging decisions, learn powerful lessons. I disappointed myself and was disappointed by others. I had successful accomplishments, surrounded myself with interesting people of my choice, traveled the world, gave back to others and found the deep feeling of motherly love. I have felt over whelming grief and unimaginable fear. Every emotion and experience I have encountered fashioned me into the woman I am comfortable being today."

"Oh sure, I wish I had firmer thighs and no cellulite and a body that was more forgiving. I wish I knew everything from Bach to the Bible to the study of the Classics and at times I wish I were younger in order to discover that which I have not. I live with my husband's words: 'The best is yet to come.' And it is my philosophy that it will."

We all have different life styles. It matters not. The journey is the same. It is called growth of self. Lessons learned. Accomplishments achieved. It is a gift that took all of us years to develop. Now, revel daily in the power that is you.

Do something GOOD today: Appreciate the woman you are.

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