Reality TV Show With Sales and Business Expert Grant Cardone

Reality TV Show With Sales and Business Expert Grant Cardone
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What would you name a reality TV show that actually showed the exact actions of how to turn a company's sales around in this economy. As we look for the perfect name for this 'reality' TV show we asked our clients what they would name the show and the response has been incredible. What would you name it?

The number one concern of business people and individuals today is,"how do I sell my products, services and ideas when everyone is pulling back from the economy. Health care, Tiger Woods and what the politicians do and don't do is not the main concern of those on main street. While the Recession may be over officially the effects of it will be felt by individuals and small companies for years to come. Whether you are looking for a job (sales) or to grow your business (sales) the economy has changed and it as affected all of us.

We recently did a very revealing survey with business owners that surprisingly demonstrated that company owners have shifted their attention from cost cutting to business expansion.
This survey shows us that only 3% have their attention on expense cutting and 10% looking at new acquisitions this year. That leaves the rest looking at how to get the most out of the business they own by increasing gross profits, improving processes and market share. And lets face it all of those mean selling.

The facts are we are no longer in a 'fantasy economy' and this might be the first reality TV show that would actually show you that cutting expenses will not improve your conditions and complaining and blaming won't change your situation. The only way out is to sell your way out!
Comment on what you would you name a reality TV show that could actually demonstrate how to go out and make it happen regardless of the economy.

Grant Cardone, Author of Sell to Survive
and CEO

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