Exclusive: Coming from 'NYT' on Sunday -- Does Obama Mean the End of 'Black Politics''?

Exclusive: Coming from 'NYT' on Sunday -- Does Obama Mean the End of 'Black Politics''?
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The question of how strongly race will play out in the November election -- that is, how many whites will prove to be colorblind -- has dominated the discussion of racial politics in the Obama-McCain race so far. But coming this Sunday, The New York Times Magazine looks at what the Obama candidacy ultimately means for blacks.

The cover story, by frequent contributor Matt Bai, is titled "Post-Race" and the Times, in its preview, asks, "Is Obama the end of black politics?"

More from the teaser: "For older black leaders whose road to Washington began with civil rights marches and Southern jails, the prospect of a Barack Obama presidency is gratifying, but unsettling as well. In POST-RACE, contributing writer Matt Bai asks what a black president would mean for black politics. The slowness of old Washington hands - Charles Rangel, John Lewis, Jesse Jackson - to embrace Obama as a torch-bearer was one sign of wariness that the absorption of black politics into American politics could ironically mean a decline of black influence."

Also in that issue, "Buildup to the Next War," is previewed this way: "For a third summer, talk of an attack on Iran - in response to its nuclear program and the threat it may pose to Israel - has percolated to the top of foreign policy discussions. Meanwhile Israel is pursuing talks with Iran's close ally, Syria, and the U.S. has been quietly consulting with Tehran on Iraq. Contributing writer Noah Feldman asks which script - war or peace - will play out."

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