A Basic Lesson In Reading Comprehension

A Basic Lesson In Reading Comprehension
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Let's give John McCain the benefit of the doubt for a moment. For the sake of argument, let's put aside questions that have been raised regarding his campaign and take as a given that John McCain is an honorable, trustworthy person who always puts his country first and makes strides to ensure that his campaign for the presidency is conducted in an honest manner. Knowing that, then can we all agree that John McCain is a %$@#@ idiot?

Seriously, is there any other conclusion we can reach when John McCain's first instinct is to cry sexism when Barack Obama uses a common phrase :

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

"We've had enough of the same old thing."

Anyone who would look at the comments above and conclude that Barack Obama is referring to Sarah Palin as a pig is such a fool that educated people should be laughing them out of the public square. John McCain thinks he should be the next President of the United States, but I'm sitting here thinking "How the hell did John McCain even graduate from high school?". Anyone with a basic reading comprehension can understand the phrase "lipstick on a pig" and how it relates to what Obama is discussing. This is the sort of thing John McCain should have learned in elementary school.

Since it's not only John McCain, but all of his boosters as well who have seen their ability to read devolve to a kindergarten level, let's break this down so John McCain can understand it. In the example above, what Barack Obama considers their "new 'change' mantra" is the "lipstick", while their actual implied agenda is the "pig". But even if you sympathise with McCain's narcissism and insist that this is a personal attack, it still doesn't mean what John McCain thinks it does. In that case, and again, this is basic reading comprehension here, Sarah Palin is the lipstick and John McCain is the pig.

But John McCain isn't a pig. He's a dumbass.

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