McCain Makes Age an Issue

Seldom are the great leaders of history old or feeble. If this campaign is going to be waged on fitness to lead as John McCain approved, then age must be considered.
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For nearly the last eight years, the United States suffered from a low energy president. Now McCain implies to New York Times reporter, Elisbeth Bumiller, that yes, age is an issue and that his energy levels are low and affect his judgment.

"If I put in three or four 18-hour, 20-hour days in a row, then I'm not sharp," Mr. McCain said. "It's just a fact."

OK, you say, even we would be less than sharp after so many hours of work. But now look at the rest of the story.

" If I can sleep in until about 7:30 or 8, then it really helps me," he said. "I think when I get up real early, like 5:30 or 6, and don't go to bed until 10, 10:30 or 11, it seems to help me get up a little later in the morning"

These are the hours of an elderly man or woman. These are not the hours of a vibrant leader or citizen. We do not need yet another "leader" who is loath to or incapable of working hard and taking action at all hours of the day OR night. To his credit, John McCain acknowledges his energy weaknesses. While the McCain campaign wages vicious personal attacks against Senator Obama, the public and indeed the Obama campaign itself ignores the very real liabilities of McCain's age.

Seldom are the great leaders of history old or feeble. If this campaign is going to be waged on fitness to lead as John McCain approved, then age must be considered. No young vice president can prevent the damage of a failing president who refuses to release the reigns of power.

Now we must address the real question to the American people. Who is better fit to lead and rebuild the nation in a dangerous age? Is it to be an elderly, low energy senator in Congress many years who contributed to America's current problems or a vibrant, dynamic thinker, leader and senator with new ideas and real solutions?

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