Giving up Their Pants for Haiti

For the two winners of the online auction, Bonobos will make-to-measure a pair of completely custom pants, featuring colored lining of the Haitian flag.
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If you haven't heard, Haiti needs money. Not clothes.

So the team at Bonobos, the high-end menswear company from NYC, is doing what they're best at: making pants.

Really. Fancy. Pants.

Using super-180s premium wool-- which goes for a gasping $120/yard -- they are donating two pairs of pants in an online auction. For the two winners of the online auction, Bonobos will make-to-measure a pair of completely custom pants, featuring colored lining of the Haitian flag. Since they are donating all costs associated with constructing these pants, 100 percent of the revenues from this auction with go to Partners in Health.

The team originally planned on just donating pants to the nonprofit Fashion Delivers, but knew they could do even more. After speaking to his mom who was running a medical tent in Haiti, VP of Marketing Scott Peterman came up with this auction as a way to raise much needed funds.

"We're really excited about this initiative because we're not only donating the entire winning bids to relief efforts, but we're also donating our hard work and creative energy," he said. "We're hoping that our vibrant customer community will be inspired to find ways that they can use their own resources and businesses to contribute in broader ways than just whipping out their corporate checkbooks."

Place your bid at The auction ends Thursday, January 28 at 2 p.m. EST.

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