The 5 Apps You Must Have This Election Year

This campaign year has been a tedious one. From elaborate speeches to ambitious endorsements, from wholesome promises to cutthroat criticisms, we have seen some of the world's most cunning politicians vying for one of the greatest positions of power in the world, the oval office itself.
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This campaign year has been a tedious one. From elaborate speeches to ambitious endorsements, from wholesome promises to cutthroat criticisms, we have seen some of the world's most cunning politicians vying for one of the greatest positions of power in the world, the oval office itself. Of course, amidst all this conundrum, it can be truly hard for a regular voter to stay up to date with the latest developments in politics in order to help themselves make the right decision. Luckily, however, there is an app for everything. And so, here are the five apps you must have to help you get past this election season.

Winner of a Pulitzer prize for their meticulous work in denouncing false claims made by deceitful or otherwise misinformed politicians, PolitiFact is a website, a blog and an application for Android and iOS devices all rolled into one. Using their one-stop platform accessible through all devices, you can quickly check the validity of any current or previous claims made by politicians, Presidential candidates or otherwise.

4US - Track Congress
Of course, the oval office isn't the only thing that makes up the nation, and the Congress has always played a crucial role in determining the future of the country. As such, an informed voter would only naturally want to stay up-to-date with the legislative and political inclination of their favorite Congressional candidates. An application accessible entirely via the web, 4US makes it possible for voters to stay informed of the voting habits of their candidates.

Developed by a nonpartisan, apolitical organization, Pollenize is an application available on Android and iOS devices that intends to provide voters with a completely unbiased review of the beliefs and actions of the candidates for the 2016 Presidential election. According to Pollenize, all their reviews are unbiased, accurate and free of any form of interest.

Making use of the Huffington Post's Pollster API, Poll-Up is a simple and lightweight Android application that helps voters stay up-to-date with the latest polls. The numbers are delivered in real-time, so that you can be the first to know whenever anything new crops up. The app is elegant, lightweight, fast and completely advertisement free, meaning that you don't have to cough up any extra bucks for an ad-free version.

The only app on this list that is available exclusively to iOS devices, Voter is an application that helps you determine which political candidate's views are most closely inclined to yours, helping you determining the perfect candidate whom you choose to vote for this election season. You must first enter your political views manually via a survey, following which, each political candidate shall display a percentage portraying the similarity of their views with your own.

What apps have you been using to stay updated this election year? Let us know in your comments!

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