"If I Did It"--the Unasked Question

Who is that third party that convinced O.J. to do this in the first place? And what were the details on the supposed fund for the children's education that the money was supposedly going into?
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Rupert Murdoch's sudden attack of conscience regarding the O.J. Simpson sweeps stunt--the attack could be called "When Bad Moguls Go Good"--has been widely and duly reported, as has Judith Regan's interesting defense of the project. Not reported up to now: Regan said she was approached with the idea by a "third party" who had the rights to Simpson's hypothetical memoir. So who is that third party that convinced O.J. to do this in the first place? And what were the details on the supposed fund for the children's education that the money was supposedly going into?

P.S.: For the next twist on this drama, this week's Le Show features an interview with the publisher of Murdoch's own hypothetical memoir, "If I Cared About World Domination".

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