Playing Katrina Catchup, Cont.

Two different independent engineering groups are finding serious fault with the materials used to repair the levee on the east side of New Orleans.
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Maybe it's the fact that the engineers inspecting the Corps' work rebuilding the levees in New Orleans are issuing better, or more, press releases. Or maybe the Washington Post is just playing a better game of catchup. In any case, for the second day in a row, the Post follows up on a story reported weeks ago in the T-P: that two different independent engineering groups are finding serious fault with the materials the Corps is using to repair the levee on the east side of New Orleans. Can Brian and Anderson be far behind? Sure.
Meanwhile, as they say on the news, the T-P advances the story yet again: the Corps did not update worst-case storm weather data before it began work on the levees that failed.

UPDATE: Here's what Brian's working on for tonight, from the Daily Nightly blog:
And the story I warned about in this space yesterday because of its emotional impact... Ron Allen's story of rebuilding from the Lakeview neighborhood in New Orleans is airing on tonight's broadcast. It's an emotional look at an unusual case to emerge from the storm.

Emotional enough for you?

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