Still Trying to Nail it Down

. This confirms what Tucker Carlson of MSNBC told me the Saturday after Katrina after conducting a walking tour of the Quarter.
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Today's NYT runs a long piece trying to expand upon the Times-Pic story from Monday about what really did, and didn't, happen in New Orleans after Katrina hit. The Times story goes beyond the TP by trying to nail down the crimes that did occur, but the ones that didn't, such as the reports of an officer being "pinned down by a sniper," when what he was really hearing was the periodic popping of a relief valve on a gas tank. There are points, such as the Superdome death toll being listed as ten when the TP quoted the official toll as six, that can be ascribed to new information in the intervening days. But here's a point of confusion that's more difficult to explain: today's piece, by Jim Dwyer and Christopher Drew, says this, quoting the police commander of the French Quarter district:
Only a small grocery store and drugstores at the edge of the quarter were hit by looters, he said

This confirms what Tucker Carlson of MSNBC told me the Saturday after Katrina after conducting a walking tour of the Quarter. But, then, what to make of this piece in yesterday's Times, complete with a handy locator map, about the looting of five clothing stores in one block of Dauphine Street in the upper Quarter? Both things can't be true, yet both appeared in the same newspaper one day apart. Copy editing, anyone?

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