The Corps is Found Guilty, Again. And Again.

No surprise, except to those who still believe what happened to New Orleans was a natural disaster.
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LONDON--A search of Google News shows this story hasn't penetrated beyond the Louisiana border...yet, but today's Times-Picayune reports that Team Louisiana, the ambitious investigation of the flooding that occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, has released its findings. No surprise, except to those who still believe what happened to New Orleans was a natural disaster: the report catalogues a series of mishaps, poor decisions and other mistakes by the United States Army Corps of Engineers that caused the disaster. And New Orleans City Business, hardly a haven for hotheads, tees off on the Corps' decision knowingly to install faulty pumps in time for last year's hurricane season.

This will be a big story one day, when the Washington Post or New York Times discover it.

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