Come Clean, Dirty Thirty

What happens in Washington directly impacts the health of you and your family. Together we can tell our representatives to stop gambling with our health and to come clean about their stances on these issues.
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Most people are familiar with the slogan "What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas." Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but it seems that this mantra is also taking a hold on some of the senators you send to Washington. NRDC Action Fund is here to shed a bright light under the cloak of secrecy on the latest group of elected officials, who we've dubbed the "Dirty Thirty." They may think what happens in Washington, stays in Washington, but you deserve to know better.

With congressional approval ratings at an all-time low, it's no wonder the "Dirty Thirty" are playing games with Senate rules to keep their support for repealing clean air safeguards that protect our kids. This secret group is being led and kept hidden by Senator James Inhofe from Oklahoma.

These critical safeguards protect our families from mercury and dozens of other toxins spewed by U.S. power plants. Wouldn't you want to know if your senator was supporting this type of attack on the air we breathe? That's why we sent a letter to Senator Inhofe demanding that he release the names. Thus far, he has not done so.

We think it's time for Senator Inhofe and his "Dirty Thirty" to come clean with their constituents and explain why they are willing to legislate Vegas-style by rolling the dice with our public health protections. Join us in asking Senator Inhofe to release the "Dirty Thirty" by visiting and by tweeting: @inhofepress: come clean on #thedirty30 senators who oppose life-saving clean air protections:

What happens in Washington directly impacts the health of you and your family. Together we can tell our representatives to stop gambling with our health and to come clean about their stances on these issues.

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