Pro-Huckabee Push Polls Fly South To FL

Pro-Huckabee Push Polls Fly South To FL
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First Iowa, then New Hampshire, Michigan and South Carolina, now Florida - the controversial phone calls known as push poll calls are making their way south for the winter.

A few minutes ago, the phone rang. On the other end was a recorded voice asking me to participate in a quick 45 second survey about the election. Normally, I hang up on such calls, but I was curious.

First question: Do you have a favorable view of George W. Bush? After a couple of improper answers and corresponding admonishments, the recording continued.

Are you voting in the Republican primary? No.

Are you a Democrat? No.

Are you an Independent? No.

Do the endorsements of the Machinists' and Painter's Unions influence your vote? No.

Are you pro-life? No.

Between illegal immigration, gun ownership, and tax relief, is your top issue illegal immigration? No.

Are you more inclined to vote for a candidate who is for rights of gun ownership? No.

I was trying my best not to be helpful. The default issue was taxes.

Did you know Mitt Romney and John McCain did not support President Bush's tax cuts? Governor Huckabee did, he signed a pledge not to introduce new taxes as President and wants to eliminate the IRS. Trust Governor Huckabee.

Do you support the Florida Marriage Amendment that says marriage is between a man and a woman? No.

Do you have a favorable opinion of Senator Bill Nelson? No opinion.

Are you male? No.

Are you over fifty? No.

And the recording ended with a sponsored message 'Common Sense Issues 719265423'

(Disclaimer: The translation of the questions is not exact, but the spirit is.)

It's well documented that these push-polls have been ruffling feathers ever since Iowa (click here, here, here, and here.)

As reported in TPM, pro-Huckabee push polling calls are now being placed to Sunshine State voters.

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