Pick It or Skip It: What to Pack for College

Packing for college can be a major challenge. Most dorm rooms are tiny and don't offer much storage space, which means it's crucial to be selective in your decisions regarding what to pack and what to leave at home.
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Packing for college can be a major challenge. Most dorm rooms are tiny and don't offer much storage space, which means it's crucial to be selective in your decisions regarding what to pack and what to leave at home. Here's Her Campus's guide to packing for college, written by Julianne Grauel:

Pick: Photo albums from high school. You'll be amazed by the number of times you whip this out when getting to know the girls on your floor. It's a great way to share your life at home and bond. Plus, you'll have tons of options for photos to frame and swap in throughout the year.

Skip: High school notes and textbooks. Your old notebooks were definitely a great reference to you in HS, but even if you're retaking Calculus you don't need them. They'll just take up space. I promise, your new professors will have plenty to teach you.

Pick: Lots of underwear. Laundry days will come up quick without adequate supplies of undergarments. There's really nothing worse than realizing you have to do laundry because you're out of underwear the night before two exams.

Skip: T-shirts. You'll get a million free t-shirts once you arrive at college. Your drawer will soon overflow with them, so leave those extras behind.

Pick: An extra pair of bed sheets. A must! You don't want to have to do laundry every week when you change your sheets. Strip your sheets and throw on the extra pair that's fresh and ready. These will allow you to be hygienic without the hassle.

Skip: Extra decorative pillows. They'll end up on the floor more than anything else. That twin extra-long bed is small enough already without having a few extra pillows taking up space.

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Stephanie Kaplan, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus, discussed college packing essentials with Juju Chang of ABC News:

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