Male Menopause -- Fact Or Fiction?

Who knew men have menopause?! Well it is actually called andropause. Hallelujah ladies, we are not the only gender that goes through menopause!
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Who knew men have menopause?! Well it is actually called andropause.

Hallelujah ladies, we are not the only gender that goes through menopause!

Male menopause or andropause, can occur in men as early as 35. It is caused by a reduction in the body's production of testosterone and other hormones. It is a normal part of the aging process when there is a decline in a man's testosterone levels. Scientists say that by the time a man reaches his mid- twenties, his testosterone production will drop an average of 1-2% per year. For some men it drops at an even quicker rate.

Andropause brings about physical and psychological changes that alter a man's quality of life. It can make men anxious, angry, depressed and with a diminished sex drive. Some of the common problems that occur during andropause are mood swings, sexual dysfunction, decrease in muscle mass, increase in breast tissue, loss of focus and concentration, hair loss and fat accumulation.

Testosterone is a hormone produced in a man's testes responsible for the development of male characteristics. Women also produce testosterone in their ovaries and adrenal glands.

Testosterone therapy is the best option for treating andropause and other age-related diseases. Data from the FDA suggest that up to 4-5 million American men have low testosterone levels. The benefits of testosterone therapy are an improvement in male's physical and mental well-being. Boosting testosterone levels frequently leads to improved physique with muscle mass gain and body fat lose plus improved bone density and cardiovascular health. It also improves attitude and outlook and decreases stress.

To prove the point that andropause affects all types of men including retired professionally athletes, one anti-aging facility that prefers to be referred to as a 'healthy aging' facility, American Longevity Center based in South Florida, caters to this elite class.

Cecil Fielder

Cecil Fielder, a retired Major League Baseball superstar and patient of American Longevity Center had this to say:
"Everybody starts to feel older. Year after year I continually felt myself getting older. More aches and pains, slower thought process, difficulty sleeping. It got harder and harder to knock off the extra pounds, and of course I wasn't hitting the home runs in the bedroom like I used to.
But when you do the research and find out that there are options, life can be really fun again. I researched places that do hormone replacement therapy and Low-T treatment from Florida to California and everywhere in between. Then I made my decision to go to American Longevity Center. It was a great decision. I couldn't be more impressed with their medical staff and everyone I've met over there is knowledgeable and friendly. The results so far have exceeded my expectation. After initiating my personalized program prescribed by this facility's physician, I feel much younger, I have a lot more energy and stamina. My sleep is better than ever and after a short time I already know that my memory is better. I have a pep in my step that had been gone for a while. And I'm hitting those home runs in the bedroom again."

Retired NFL superstar, Marvin Jones, Florida State all-time best linebacker and first round draft pick to the Jets playing his entire career with them had this to say:

"I knew the minute I walked into American Longevity Center I was going to be happy with the experience. This is medicine on a whole new level. Exactly diagnosing my various levels of hormones, and vitamins/ mineral levels to put together a treatment plan specifically for me. Like I said, this is a whole new amazing level of medicine. With their prescribed personalized program, I am about to become healthier and happier than I have ever been in a long time. I cannot say enough about how excited I am to have found this facility and to be treated by them. My goal is to be the best transformation they have ever had. Marvin is back !!!"

The procedure goes like this. The physicians at American Longevity Center conduct a comprehensive health analysis of each patient to determine the hormone decline levels. This is done through blood work testing. Then the physician prescribes a way to replenish and balance hormone levels with bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical hormones are made in a compound pharmacy to be 100% identical to your own hormones. This is different from synthetic hormones. The bio-identical hormones are biologically identical to the hormones your body makes.

Now the good news is that bio-identical hormone replacement works for women too. The compound pharmacies can make bio-identical estrogen and progesterone for women as well as testosterone for men.

So ladies and gentleman, go ahead and make an appointment to get your life back in balance, at least hormonally. And heck, you may even meet someone cool in the waiting room. Bring your autograph book. And be prepared to discover the 'Fountain of Youth' right here in South Florida!

HOPE GAINER of Hope International specializes in luxury lifestyle marketing. She lives in South Florida where anti-aging facilities are widespread. She has come to appreciate those with physicians experienced in this relatively new and growing field.

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