Oil, Economic Anxiety, Sestak/Clinton/Obama

Was Obama too slow, is the BP Gulf Spill his Katrina? David Frum says this should be the oil industry's Three Mile Island moment -- he says safety must be put first but drilling must continue.
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Tony's away for 3 weeks; David Frum's our guest on the right (remember when he was the regular?). Arianna had to do the show by phone, sorry, but better than not having her; it was a good show today.

Was Obama too slow, is the BP Gulf Spill his Katrina? David Frum says this should be the oil industry's Three Mile Island moment--he says safety must be put first but drilling must continue. Arianna wants it to be a teaching moment: says we should be moving faster toward an alternative energy economy. All agree a gas tax, price hikes are the only way to get us off our oil addiction. Economic shocks continue to rattle the market and the globe, is Spain the new Greece, is China
manipulating currency exchanges and holding US and Europe hostage? And with news of the White House asking Bill Clinton to ask Joe Sestak not to run against Arlen Specter, is this business as usual from a President who promised cleaner politics and no more backroom deals? Is
it really important?

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