Arianna on Morning Joe: Sarah Palin 'Probably Running' for President (VIDEO)

Arianna on Morning Joe: Sarah Palin 'Probably Running' for President (VIDEO)
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Arianna Huffington appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe today and spoke about Sarah Palin's 2012 presidential aspirations, the allegations that Kendrick Meek was asked to drop out of the race, and President Barack Obama's Democratic campaign strategy.

During a discussion about Joe Miller's slumping numbers in the Alaska Senate race, Arianna said that it was clear from how she's been positioning herself that Palin would likely be running for President in 2012:

Right now she has a different career that she's perusing with her reality show about to start, with her Fox News analysis gearing up for election night. But what she said to Mary Hart that there may be no one else with her passion for the Constitution and all those code words that she used make it clear that whatever we think, she's probably running.

Arianna also said that the Kendrick Meek allegations do more harm than good for political discourse. "This kind of speculation is what feeds the Tea Party. It's what feeds people fed up with politics, the wheeling and dealing," she said. "That's what people hate."

She also took on the subject of Obama's disconnect with Congressional Democrats in relation to his "heckuva job" comment during his interview with Jon Stewart on Wednesday's The Daily Show.

[Obama's] deferred a lot to [Democratic Congressional leaders], but they feel on some big issues -- like on foreclosures, like on creating jobs -- he has not been front and center. What he told Jon Stewart about Larry Summers -- when he said "heckuva job, Larry," and then Jon called him out on it, and he said it was a pun. It wasn't a pun, it was a gaffe. And that's the problem between the White House and Congress. They feel that he ceded economic power to Summers and he got it wrong, plain wrong. And that's what it is. It's the same "heckuva job."

WATCH Arianna discuss Kendrick Meek and Barack Obama's campaign strategy:

WATCH Arianna discuss Sarah Palin on Morning Joe:

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