Arianna Appears On "Real Time with Bill Maher," Spars With Jack Kingston And Darrell Issa

Arianna Appears On "Real Time with Bill Maher," Spars With Jack Kingston And Darrell Issa
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Arianna appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" Friday night alongside Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). During the show's 'Overtime' segment the group had a particularly spirited discussion on such topics as Rush Limbaugh comparing Obama to Hitler as well as the fact that Rep. Kingston had placed a photo of himself posing with a "R.I.P The U.S. Constitution" t-shirt on his Flickr account.

Both of the GOP representatives, after being pressed by Arianna, denounced the use of Hitler comparisons by figures such as Rush Limbaugh, with Rep. Issa saying that invoking Nazi Germany was "off limits" and that "Nobody has a right to use Hitler if it doesn't live up to the atrocities he did."

Kingston, however, played down the idea that there was an outpouring of anger at the recent health care town halls, saying that he had hosted 11 of them and that he didn't see any "hate-mongering." Kingston instead suggested that the whole story was being driven by "Rahm Emanuel and the White House and the spin machine trying to make anyone who opposes 'Obama care' an extremist."

Arianna then asked Kingston to explain why he had posted a photo on Flickr of him holding a t-shirt that read "R.I.P The U.S. Constitution," which was taken at a health care town hall last week. Kingston defended the photo, saying that he was simply trying to help inspire a young activist who had approached him.

To watch the segment, click here. Then click on the large "Overtime" picture to pull up the video.

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