David Wood Talks About Beyond The Battlefield On MSNBC's 'The Dylan Ratigan Show'

WATCH: David Wood Talks With Dylan Ratigan About Beyond The Battlefield
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David Wood, senior military correspondent for The Huffington Post, stopped by "The Dylan Ratigan Show" on Tuesday to talk about Beyond the Battlefield, a ten-part military series that explores the challenges wounded Iraq and Afghanistan veterans face after returning home to the United States.

Wood addressed America's capacity to welcome soldiers home, noting how military medical care has vastly improved over the last decade.

"On the battlefield and in the military medical system, there have been enormous advances over the last ten years that have really enabled the military to save wounded soldiers and Marines who ten years ago would have probably died from their wounds," Wood said. "Now they can be saved and brought back to this country. The rehab system is phenomenally good."

Beyond physical treatment, veterans want to feel welcomed in the communities to which they return. Wood noted that ordinary Americans can do a lot to help, donating money and time to ease the adjustment process:

"A lot of these veterans return home to their communities where it's very difficult for the (Veterans Administration) and other government institutions to reach them," Wood said. "It's so important that there be local support. That's how ordinary Americans can get back in touch with their veterans."

For those of you interested in helping severely wounded veterans, visit HuffPost Impact's page, which contains a list of organizations to help make that possible.

To see all of HuffPost's Beyond The Battlefield stories, photos and videos, click here.

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