Burger King

The fast-food chain offered a part-time position to the Duke of Sussex.
The word "damn" is "destructive and damaging to impressionable children," according to One Million Moms.
I desperately wanted to get pregnant and I needed some free sperm with no drama, no commitment and, definitely, no sex.
Charlotte Parker said the meat in the sandwich she was served was as "raw as it could be, pink as it could be.”
The restaurant was selling vegetarian burgers on its Seamless page, but customers say they received beef patties instead -- and weren't informed of the switch.
It's the third time this year the president has welcomed star athletes to the White House with greasy grub.
Asian people are not amused by an ad featuring burgers and chopsticks from the Burger King chain in New Zealand.
Trump invited the North Dakota State University football team for a fast-food celebration.
President Donald Trump served McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King to the Clemson University football team.
It involves Burger King wrappers, a cabin and Trump's name written large.