Clean Water

President Donald Trump has said he wants “crystal-clean water.”
The tech billionaire committed to helping the Michigan city in July in response to a Twitter user.
The attorney is trying to convince voters that their congressman is too busy protecting the president to focus on fixing central California's water crisis.
A toxic chemical tainted one water well. Then another. Then another. Now black sediment spews from the taps.
Which is weird, because lead causes brain damage in children.
Scott Pruitt revoked the Clean Water Rule, which clarified what bodies of water could be federally protected, last year.
Oxycodone that entered Puget Sound contaminated shellfish tissue, scientists found.
The justices left in place a July 2017 ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that revived the litigation after the lawsuits were thrown out by a lower court.
The city hasn’t had clean water for more than 1,400 days.
Abdul El-Sayed, the 33-year-old former Detroit health commissioner, has a plan to fight environmental racism.