Nuclear Power

“It is not really clear now which is the master of the town, people or wild boars.”
He has hinted at scaling back U.S. military commitments to NATO.
Photographer Julian Charrière wanted the threat of destruction to feel real in his portraits of testing fields.
Seoul is trying to go green -- but not the shade associated with plutonium.
"It's like me and my sisters going to the Vatican and saying we want to put a waste dump right under the pillar where they say St. Peter is buried."
The Ukrainian town of Pripyat has been deserted for 30 years after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded. Now, the government says the region could be an ideal location for the world’s largest solar farm.
A botched test at the nuclear plant triggered a meltdown that permanently poisoned thousands.
Transparency and accountability are lacking at India’s largest nuclear park, where a Russian reactor was constructed with faulty parts.
There's no magic bullet -- but don't despair. Yet.