
With only a cursory review, the agency shut the door on studying or cleaning up old toxic waste barrels that litter the seafloor at active drilling sites.
Much of the ammonium nitrate has been consumed by flames, but some threat still remains, officials said.
Beaches from Rancho Palos Verdes to Long Beach were shuttered after the 8.5 million gallon sewage spill.
The retail giant is accused of illegally dumping pollutants into the state's landfills. The company has settled lawsuits over similar allegations in the past.
European climate subsidies funnel billions to wood-burning power plants that harvest trees from the U.S. South. The industry is taking a toll locally and globally.
Consulting firm M.J. Bradley & Associates authored a report ranking the nation’s largest methane polluters. Five of its own industry clients were on the list.
It's widely understood that plastics litter the oceans and kill animals. But its huge and growing impact on global warming has evaded public scrutiny.
The oil created a miles-wide sheen in the ocean and washed ashore in sticky, black globules along with dead birds and fish.
The EPA rule targets an 85% reduction in hydrofluorocarbons, a class of potent greenhouse gases, by 2036.
The low-oyxgen area that can't support marine life is the result of urban and agricultural runoff, like fertilizer.