
“We are prepared to file an action... but would hope this matter could be resolved with an enforceable agreement," the department said in a letter to the city.
Studies have repeatedly shown that ending public administration of water supplies doesn’t work — but that’s now on the table in Mississippi.
The plastic packaging of your beloved bottled water may pose certain health risks. Here's what experts want you to know.
“We have restored clean water,” the governor said Thursday.
The water had been a problem for years. Everyone knew this. Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba begged for help, and no one did anything to fix it.
The city remains under a boil water notice, which first went into effect on July 30.
Residents of Mississippi's majority-Black capital still don't have clean water after rains worsened the existing infrastructure.
The Fox News host's sneering segment targeted progressive Mayor Chokwe Lumumba amid the city's devastating water shortage.
Heavy rains and flooding caused pumps in the water treatment center of Mississippi's capital city to fail, the mayor said.
Kim and Kourtney Kardashian, Kevin Hart, Dwyane Wade and Sylvester Stalone exceeded water allowances by 150% at least four times.