Stirring the Pot of Illinois Politics

Some of you may remember back in 2007 I ran as a write-in candidate for mayor of Chicago. This fall, you have another opportunity to vote for me.
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Some of you may remember back in 2007 I ran as a write-in candidate for mayor of Chicago. This fall, you have another opportunity to vote for me, since I have I declared my write-in candidacy for the UNEXPIRED term for U.S. Senator of Illinois.

In a bizarre twist that surely will go down in history, Illinois voters will choose two U.S. senators for the same seat. One will serve a six-year term starting January 3, 2011, and one will serve an eight-week term beginning right after the election and running through January 2, 2011. This term will fill the seat vacated by President Obama that is temporarily occupied by Senator Roland Burris.

I was watching Gloria Steinem on Chicago Tonight the other day. She lamented that there aren't enough women running for political office. I agree.

I also believe there aren't enough chefs and other people who are on their feet all day to make a living. There aren't enough REAL small business people who actually work at their own business. There aren't enough polio survivors who know the value of medical research and the harm that comes with politicizing science. Most of all, there aren't enough every day citizens who don't just kvetch about society's problems but actually do something about them.

I ran for mayor before it was the popular thing to do. I helped get the City and restaurant industry on board with the landmark ban on smoking. I helped create the organization that is making Chicago eateries Guaranteed Green, and I still find time to serve you Fried Chicken and Waffles at my restaurant.

Democracy only works when everyone participates. We need more people to get involved, question the mainstream, and stir the pot of politics. And as you know, I've stirred more than a few pots in my time.

This is a serious campaign. I'm registered as a write-in candidate in all 110 counties in Illinois. That said, I am not raising any money for this campaign, nor am I spending any. You can hear a two-part interview at Chicagoist about why I'm running and why I have a good chance of representing you.

It's all word of mouth, which is where you come in.

If you want an alternative to the established candidates - if only for two months - write in INA PINKNEY on the bottom of your ballot. Tell your friends, neighbors, and coworkers to do the same. Spread the word through your Facebook, Twitter and e-mail accounts.

It's up to you, my friends. Write in INA PINKNEY for interim U.S. Senator and send me to Washington. I promise to come back in January!

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