I Run a Small Business #LikeAGirl and Achieve Because Of It

A recent report on the state of women-owned enterprises was quite revealing. Despite the growing evidence that women build great companies, the average revenue of women-owned companies lags behind by 27%. Is it because they run their small business #LikeAGirl?
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I just finished watching the extended video #LikeAGirl created by Always.com created for Super Bowl 2015. It's inspirational and thought provoking. It elicited a reaction that I didn't expect - as I choked back my tears. It stopped me dead in my tracks. When did the phrase "like a girl" come to mean something less than, weak, or less capable? And, how has that simple three-word phrase affected women in business around the world, including myself?

The State of Women-Owned Businesses

A recent report on the state of women-owned enterprises was quite revealing. Despite the growing evidence that women build great companies, the average revenue of women-owned companies lags behind by 27%. Is it because they run their small business #LikeAGirl?

Although my energy hides my true age, I've been around for some time. I've lived through

This article first appeared on Bite Size Chunks of Wisdom, Synnovatia's business growth blog.


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