A Few Quick Thoughts From A Stalinist Blogger

The gentlemen who wrote a post calling me a "Stalinist blogger" thinks that my claim that the Freedom's Watch ad is deliberating misleading is inaccurate.
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Hat tip to my friend who sent me this link.

The gentlemen who wrote the post thinks that my claim that the Freedom's Watch ad is deliberating misleading is inaccurate. Here's what he wrote:

It is pretty ambiguous whether or not he was referring to Iraq, or whether he was simply referring to Radical Islamists when he said the word, "They." Either way, this could be construed as a misleading statement. It may be so misleading in fact that it may have even hurt the overall message.

Actually, it's not really that ambiguous at all. The soldier in the spot says:

"They attacked us. And they will again, they won't stop in Iraq."

He also says "If we pull out now" -- what is he referring to? Our bases in Germany.

To link Al-Quaeda and Saddam is false.

To imply that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 is false.

To do so using our public airwaves is false advertising.

And two more things.

Freedom's Watch is NOT A NON-PROFIT group -- this, too, is false and implies somehow that their motives are something other than what they are: war.

And, to Ari Fleischer and the soldier in the spot: John O'Neill got $50,000 to head up the Swift Boat Veterans in August 2004 (he called it "media training" reimbursement -- maybe you can too.) Admiral Roy Hoffman's "foundation" got $100,000 from the Swifties.

Don't settle for a penny less.

PS. If anyone can tell me why asking the question "is this false advertising?" in my last post makes me a Stalinist, I would love to know.

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