Bittersweet. More Sweet Than Bitter.

Bittersweet. More Sweet Than Bitter.
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Four years ago, I woke up in Cleveland Ohio and hit the road with Cam Kerry, Laurie David, Larry David and Kristen Breitweiser with the songs of Bruce Springsteen still ringing in my ears from the night before.

Twenty four hours after that, I sat in Boston and watched John Kerry concede.

I expect a far better twenty four hours this year and believe we will wake up to a better world, and a better chance for the future tomorrow morning. There are so many other races that matter today, I pray our friends in California keep their right to marry who they want when they want. I hope my three favorite re-runs, Darcy Burner in Washington, Charlie Brown in California and Eric Massa in New York, three warriors who lost in 2006 and are running again, all win.

I hope that the worst excuse for a human being in American politics, Saxby Chambliss, loses to Jim Martin down in Georgia and I hope that Max Cleland smiles when he sees that result.

When we lost in 2004, those of us on the Kerry Campaign were all to aware that we had lost something very important. No one can argue that our country would have been better off with John Kerry as President these last four years, no one. But lose we did and for me, and many others, it has been a burden that just now is being lifted on a bright sunshiney day in Boston.

The world's attention will be on Chicago tonight, and more power to them. In Boston, a few of us will gather in Copley Square and watch the returns, John Kerry included. It's better to have run and lost than never to have run at all. Those that lost the last one will raise a toast to the team tonight that will, after 2000 and 2004, win.

Congratulations to everyone on the Obama team who has given up so much over the past two years, all the travel and the time away from family and friends. Presidential campaigns go from the cold of Iowa to the chill of November, the seasons pass and you're still on the road.

I'm happy and proud of everyone from 2004 who is out there again, Marvin Nicholson, David Wade and more. Travel safe my friends and enjoy the night.

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