Dear NY Times: Just A Quick Rant From A Guy Who Doesn't Even Have A Basement.

Dear NY Times: Just A Quick Rant From A Guy Who Doesn't Even Have A Basement.
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As I confess to being a huge fan of Arianna's and of the Huffington Post, I was excited to read David Carr's article on both subjects on the front page of the Business section of the New York Times today. But I ended up being amazed at how the mainstream media still just flat out doesn't get it.

Let's start with the first line "When it began a year ago, The Huffington Post seemed like a remarkably bad idea." It did? To whom? Newspaper writers? Maybe. But as the Huffington Post germinated in late 2004 and evolved through early 2005, everyone I know that it was a fantastic idea, and it was clear early on that the combination of Arianna and Ken Lerer was going to be a great one. Great idea, well executed by a great and growing team, nothing bad about it.

"A year later, The Huffington Post has succeeded by failing." Mr Carr's premise here is that there aren't enough celebrities and too many people like me blogging. I take no offense, I've never heard of him till today either but I think The Huffington Post showecases a wonderful mix of the famous and the unknown, sharing a virtual soapbox.

From political leaders, John Kerry and Jack Murtha come to mind, to environmental leaders, Laurie David and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. to heroes like Kristen Breitweiser and Max Cleland, the Huffington Post is known as a great place to get the word out. For the rest of us, it gives us an outlet we would never have, and I am very grateful for that.

"The glamorous Greek....has found traction in a media space better known for rants from people who rarely leave their basements." This is the BIG LIE that the mainstream media itself wants to believe so badly and prays you believe too. Let me tell you something. The bloggers I know personally and professionally, people like Peter Daou (grew up in a civil war in the Middle East, was top musician in the 80s and 90s and now a top online political consultant) Josh Marshall, Kos, Chris Bowers, and many many more - they are all smart, older than you think, Peter and I are the same age, and accomplished in this career and others.

During the Kerry Campaign, I saw dozens of people interview John Kerry or his brother Cam and I can absolutely promise you that Josh Marshall is smarter, more focused, more knowledgeable and better qualified to comment than anyone I meet from any mainstream media outlet - including the New York Times. And PS, I don't have a basement - I rant from my living room.

Finally, the article ends with a note of surprise - JWT has placed ads for several clients on the site - well imagine that. Maybe it's because when traffic has hit 2,000,000 visitors a month and is growing, while say, newspaper circulation is in a free fall, advertisiers are looking for media outlets where there are actually people. (PS Arianna, I love Cannes :)

So shock of shocks. The Huffington Post is a hit. Guess what Mr. Carr - so is Daily Kos and The Daou Report and and more - this is the future - news and commentary aggregated in real time, instant news and instant feedback, a democracy of reporting and opinion. In fact, maybe you should consider posting here. I mean, if you have a basement that is.

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