George Allen: Racist? Check. Swiftboating Draft Dodger? Double Check.

So what do you do if you're a Republican who didn't serve in the military and you're running against a Democrat who did serve his country with distinction and honor?
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George Allen's a racist. The facts of his derogatory remarks about a young Webb staffer speak for themselves.

But now, he's pulling out the most popular trick in the Republican book of dirty tricks.

He can't debate Jim Webb fair and square on the war. He can't compare military records because when Jim Webb was showing courage under fire in Vietnam, George Allen was showing courage on a horse at a dude ranch out West.

So what do you do if you're a Republican who didn't serve in the military and you're running against a Democrat who did serve his country with distinction and honor?

Think George Think.

1. Praise your opponent's record "Jim Webb served his country with honor."

2. Immediately hire consultants who organized the Swift Boat Veteran attacks.

3. Even better, get one of the Swift Boat Veterans themselves to run your "Vets For Allen" group.

Here's the article from today's Washington Post. Watch the Patriot Project for more details throughout the day.

An eye for an eye.

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