The Iran NIE, The Iraq NIE, And Accountability For All.

The Iran NIE, The Iraq NIE, And Accountability For All.
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Two weeks ago, there was a stunning admission contained in a National Intelligence Estimate about Iran. NIE's represent the composite view of all 16 American spy agencies' they are not the views of rogue agents or analysts but comprehensive collective views of opinion.

As such, when they make a declaration, it is usually absolutely correct.

This is how the New York Times reported the findings:

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 -- A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains frozen, contradicting judgment two years ago that Tehran was working relentlessly toward building a nuclear bomb.

The subsequent fall-out from the report, and the fact that the current administration was either willfully ignoring the details within the report, or had never bothered to read it was shocking.

Pundits and bloggers everywhere demanded accountability on behalf of the administration - how is it possible they screamed in bigger and bigger type with more and more words like &*&_& in the headlines.

One of the most distasteful, and frankly useless, political traits the pot calling the kettle black.

So at the risk of offending all of my friends with Senator Clinton's and Edward's campaigns, let's got back to fall of 2002 when the Iraq War vote was pending.

As I have written before, I like to claim that the Iraq War vote was 6-94 . What do I mean?

Well, just as the Iranian NIE prevented the rush to war, there was a classified NIE on Iraq that say under lock and key for Senators only to read prior to the vote.

Like the Iranian NIE, the Iraq NIE was the view of all 16 spy agencies though, rumor has it, there was some disagreement among the agencies that was contained in the report.

What was in it? Well, the vast majority of that NIE is still classified, so allow me to quote one of the six Senators who did actually read the report, Senator Bob Graham of Florida.

Senator Graham read the report and went to the Senate Floor where he stated:

"Friends, I encourage you to read the classified intelligence reports which are much sharper than what is available in declassified form.... We are going to be increasing the threat level against the people of the United States. Blood is going to be on your hands."

Only Six Senators read the report - SIX.

Here's what the rest claim.

I was briefed on what was in the NIE by my staff, my advisors, my dog.

Well, this is false.

Because no staffer was allowed to see the classified NIE, principals only.

Clearly, like the Iranian NIE, the Iraq NIE painted a different picture than what was being spun by The White House.

Perhaps the NIE contained information that, if the majority of Senators had actually read, they would have voted against the war. As simple as that.

They would have done their duty. Not even their duty to be honest, but their job at its most basic level.

So here's the moment where Democrats should consider accountability as they look towards 2008.

Neither Senator Clinton nor Senator Edwards bothered to walk downstairs at the US Senate, sign in and read the classified NIE before they voted for the war.

I could, to be honest, forgive them for voting for the war if they had read the intelligence, but as we demand accountability from everyone else, shouldn't we demand it from our own representatives?

It's a simple question.

Prior to voting for the Iraq War, did you read the NIE on Iraq?

It's a yes or no question.

Sadly, both John Edwards and Hillary Clinton have to answer 'no.'

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