What's Up At NewsLadder: Minnesota Recount, A Georgia Runoff And Hillary?

Friday morning is NewsLadder time and it's been a busy week, with lots of good news, good traffic and great stories bubbling up from the best of independent media.
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Friday morning is NewsLadder time and it's been a busy week, with lots of good news, good traffic and great stories bubbling up from the best of independent media.

Let's start with the new NewsLadders for our review.

Joe Bodell from Minnesota Campaign Report
reached out to us and together we launched a Minnesota Recount NewsLadder forty-eight hours ago. I'm happy to report the traffic for this is great, and right now the Al Franken news is even better, when they count them all, I think he wins.

There's an interesting story at the top of MN Recount NewsLadder right now about Coleman passing on the Republican Senate Committee job, think he is reading the tea leaves in the recount? Let's hope so.

Down in Georgia, we're moving towards a runoff between that Piece Of Saxby and Jim Martin - the Georgia Runoff NewsLadder has proven to be very popular down in Georgia and also around the country with what may well be the Runoff for the 60th seat.

The top story right now is about John McCain campaigning for Chambliss yesterday which shocked even hardened political observers who knew that McCain had sold his soul a long time ago.

Finally, on the Cabinet NewsLadder, the hot story this morning is the Hillary Clinton For Secretary of State rumor? It's burning up the ladder and nothing will touch it until it is confirmed or denied.

Remember, if you want to see all the Secretary of State news, you can click on that tag in the tag cloud and all the stories will show up, with the most recent and most voted at the top.

There are more than five pages of stories and articles linked up, voted up and down and commented on, it's probably the most complete collection of articles on this position online, all voted up or down by readers like you.

Finally, remember that all the NewsLadders, there are more than twenty now, all bubble up into the main NewsLadder, a great source to see the top stories from all around the progressive community online.

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