Why Economic Stimulus Should Be Green

I think it is collective insanity to suggest that the way to fix an economy racked by debt created through overconsumption.
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Let's start with politicians talking the talk on global warming and the environment.

Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. -- Barack Obama, from an Iowa speech quoted on his web site.


Hillary has a bold and comprehensive plan to address America's energy and environmental challenges that will establish a green, efficient economy and create as many as five million new jobs. -- from Hillary Clinton, from www.hillaryclinton.com issues section

There are hundreds, nay thousands, of examples of politicians talking the talk about the environment, how we need to create green jobs, and green industries, encourage green living, blah, blah, blah, alternative energy is my energy, blah, blah, blah.

So now that Congress has passed a $167,000,000,000 stimulus package for the economy has been passed -- that's $167 BILLION. That's real money and let's think about this a moment.

First of all, I'm not sure I think the idea of just sitting back and handing out checks five months from now is either a good or smart one. I think it is collective insanity to suggest that the way to fix an economy racked by debt created through overconsumption is going to be helped by a short term spurt of overconsumption which, may, actually cause more debt, but let's say it is.

Let's say we are going to give every man and woman in America some money to spend.

Where in the Constitution does it say we can not give them some means to spend it wisely in a way that helps our country, and guess what? The environment as well. Why can we not making this sustaining stimulus?

Instead of letting people blow the money on a television made in China, why not create a list of products that can be bought that are not only made here, but also made in a way that is not so environmentally destructive?

Or even better.

There are an increasing number of solar and wind companies in the United States, would you put a solar panels on your house if you could do it for free?

How about low-water toilets? Or a composter? You might think it's crazy but I don't think it is.

Hell, even if we just made people buy recycled paper products, that would be a huge boon to those companies that are making recycled products.

Would you consider a made-in-America hybrid car if the tax credits were doubled?

Sure, you would. In this day and age, spending $600 in an environmentally positive way is entirely possible, practical and preferable.

Part of the problem with our current economic woes is massive short-term overconsumption.

Part of our environmental problem is massive short-term consumption.

Our so-called leaders could have put one and one together, but I guess even that is too much to ask.

P.S. one thing my food friend and fellow Duke Wood Turner from Climate Counts and I have been talking about, is maybe getting people to commit to spending their checks in an environmentally smart manner? what do you think?

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