These Hashtag Brownies Are Making Me Really Good at Wordplay

Whoa, dude, thank you for making these awesome hashtag brownies. Sure, they're a little gnarly and imperfectly shaped, but I've had, like, eight of them and I am telling you, my man, they have greatly impacted my ability to absolutely kill it on Twitter.
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Whoa, dude, thank you for making these awesome hashtag brownies. Sure, they're a little gnarly and imperfectly shaped, but I've had, like, eight of them and I am telling you, my man, they have greatly impacted my ability to absolutely kill it on Twitter.

What's cool is that I've been able to track my wordplay prowess and watch it get better with every hashtag brownie I consume. Like, for example, there was this game called #HeavierFilms going full swing, and after only a couple of hits from your phenomenal tray of chocolaty goodness, I got, like eleven favorites by tweeting Plump Fiction. And then I had another brownie and bam, I knocked it out of the park with The Day My Girth Stood Still.

But I don't want you to think my hashtag brownie buzz was confined simply to the more plebeian art of cinema. On my fifth ingestion of the confection, I branched out into literature. Before I had the opportunity to scarf down some of those really potent hashtag desserts, I wouldn't even have ventured forth into the arena of books. But the word association synapses got to firing so amazingly by the seventh chew on that primo hashtag yumminess that I stepped confidently into the ranks of Twitter's intellectual cognoscenti.

I started out a little timid, dropping Divine Secrets of the Gruyère Sisterhood into #CheesyNovels. But another bite of a hashtag brownie and out came Match-22 for #DatingLit. And then the retweets started flying once Fart of Darkness was added to #FlatulentBooks.

So, mad props again for baking those treats, and me. I'm never hitting Twitter without them again.

Oh, and, yeah, maybe that last bit of wordplay I mentioned didn't do as well in the game as I remember. The one thing about hashtag brownies is they make everything seem funnier than it is.

More of James Napoli's comedy content for the Web can be found here.

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