Padilla Padilla Padilla

Anyone at all who does not find Padilla's treatment repugnant in every way has devolved from a human being to a reptile.
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I haven't been posting much lately, because every time the Bush
administration puts me in a rage, other posters beat me to it. This is
a good thing. I want there to be an avalanche of rage pouring down on
the Bush criminals. I want my own now-six-year-old rage to be just the
palest imitation of all the rage there is. Nevertheless, when I read
Robert Scheer's eloquent post about Jose Padilla this morning
("Becoming What We Despise"), I thought, "He is too kind." In fact, as
shocking as the treatment of Padilla has been, and as horrifying as
Padilla's condition now is, and as terrifying as the fact that Padilla,
a US citizen, was stripped of all of his constitutional rights and
tortured without recourse just exactly as if he lived in South Africa
during apartheit, or in Russia in the Stalinist period, or in any South
American dictatorship you could name is, the most vile, stinking,
contemptible, debased, and humiliating fact about the whole episode is
that yesterday, when Padilla's condition was reported on AOL, 75% of
AOL's poll responders voted FOR the government's treatment of Padilla.
Apparently they did not know that he is no longer being accused of the
dirty bomb crime, and apparently they didn't care ANYTHING about their
constitutional rights as Americans. Gosh. I thought the Democrats won
the election and that the Bush administration's policies had been

I have to say that I can't find the poll today, so perhaps those folks
who voted yesterday were a small, skewed sample, and perhaps it was
Mary Cheney, whom I now discover works for AOL, who kept voting
repeatedly (personally, I voted twice against the government) (and now
that I know that AOL gave Mary Cheney a job, I will have to rethink
having anything to do with AOL) (but on the other hand, AOL is in big
trouble, so maybe Mary will lose her job before her pregnancy leave

Anyone at all who does not find Padilla's treatment repugnant in every
way, and perfect grounds for impeachment, imprisonment, and solitary
confinement of everyone in charge of our government for the last five
years and ten months, has devolved from a human being to a reptile.
Those votes on AOL are the best argument for
global-warming-as-the-fitting-end-to-the-failed-human-experiment that
I've seen lately. Jose Padilla, whatever it turns out that he has done
(and I bet it won't be much) is a martyr to our Constitution, and that
picture of his face in black goggles should be on the wall in every
classroom and in every government building and in every church in the

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