Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Kanye

Kanye has used Twitter to beseech Mark Zuckerberg to 'invest' a billion dollars in his 'ideas.' Clearly he wasn't referring to his ideas about how to make money or manage money.
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Kanye West, rapper and husband of Kim Kardashian, claims he wants to "bring dope shit to the world." Really. I suppose "dope shit" comes in many different guises but Kanye is hoping we will see the dope shit in his music or clothing line.

Kanye has likened himself to St. Paul the Apostle for reasons no one can understand and he claimed credit for making Taylor Swift famous after he interrupted her acceptance speech with one of his tantrums. But enough about Kanye's delusions of grandeur. It is his recent Twitter activity that is most head-shaking.

On February 13, 2016, Kanye tweeted that he was $53 million dollars in debt. Say what? After you have spent yourself into a million dollar hole, who would then keep on spending another million they didn't have, and then another million and on and on until they had spent $53 million dollars they didn't have? Am I taking crazy pills or is something very wrong with this behavior?

Somewhere along the multi-million dollar descent into indebtedness, Kanye saw fit to spend lavishly on his proposal to Kim Kardashian. The 50-piece Chicago Symphony Orchestra played at the San Francisco Giant's stadium as Kanye proposed on the Jumbotron and presented his gal with a 15-carat Lorraine Schwartz diamond paperweight masquerading as a ring. And now he is $53 million dollars in debt.

Kanye then used Twitter to beseech Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, to "invest" a billion dollars in his "ideas." Clearly he wasn't referring to his ideas about how to make money or manage money.

Kanye also requested donations from other tech billionaires who he criticized for spending money on schools in Africa instead of spending the money on him. I couldn't make this stuff up. It is apparently difficult for Kanye to comprehend that educating children who live in poverty is a better use of a billion dollars than giving it to a rapper who has a proven track record of spending money he doesn't have on lavish stuff he doesn't need.

My advice to you, Kanye, is not to hold your breath for a response from the tech billionaires about whether they'd like to give you a billion dollars. They didn't become billionaires by giving money to people who don't know how to make money but only know how to spend it. And as for the rest of you, don't let your babies grow up to be Kanye.

photo credit: Kanye West via photopin (license)

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